you may believe, jesus is son of god, because for you become life by your faith in jesus.
John 20:31 , John 11:1-44

Friday, 17 July 2009

Jesus Healing Blind Men

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Jesus left the house of Jairus, and as he was leaving, two blind men followed him, crying out:

Have mercy on us, son of David.

The blind men followed him to his destination. He said to them:

Do you believe that I can give you sight? And they said, Yes, Lord.

He touched their eyes and said to them:

Let it be done to you according to your faith.

Their eyes were opened and they saw. Jesus sternly told them not to tell anyone what he had healed them.

But instead of doing as Jesus had asked, they went and told everyone they met that Jesus had restored their sight.

Jesus continued walking and ran into a man who was dumb and possessed by a demon.

When Jesus cast out the demon, the man began to speak. The crowds that witnessed this marveled. Some of the people said that had never happened before in Israel.

But the Pharisees rebutted them, saying:

He casts out demons by the prince of demons.