on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, when they kill the Passover lamb. the disciples said to jesus: "to the what place to go to prepare a Passover meal for you?" then he sent two of his disciples with the message: go to town: there you will meet with everyone carrying a pitcher of water, follow him. and say to homeowners his entered: my teacher message: where the room available for me to eat the Passover with my disciples? then He will show you a large upper room, furnished and available. that's the place you have to prepare the Passover meal for us! "then the two disciples go and arrival in town, found them all, as Jesus said to them. and then they prepared the Passover.
after it was evening, Jesus came with the twelve disciples. when they sat there and eating, Jesus said: "I tell you, one among you will betray me, that he who eat with me." then their heart sad and then one by one said to him: "O god not me?" jesus replied: "that person is any one of you, the twelve, he is dipping bread into plate with me. son of man goes as it is written about him, but who betray the Son of Man is can't life. is better for him not been born.