parable of wedding feast
then Jesus spoke in parables to them: kingdom of heaven is like a king who make a wedding feast for his son. he ordered his servants to call those who have been invited to the wedding, but those people do not want to come. he also told the other servants, the message, say to the people who invited it, in fact the dish, had I am preparing, male cow and pet animals have been slaughtered, everything is available, come to this wedding feast. but the people who were invited did not heed it; one has going to his farm, there are going to take care of his business, and the others arrested his servants, tortured him and killed him. then the king angry, then he sent his troops to destroy those murderers and burned their city. after that he said to his servants: the wedding feast had been available, but people who were invited were not worthy. So go to the intersections of roads and invite everyone you find there into the wedding feast. servants do it, and they invite all the people whom he met in the streets, bad guys and good people that filled the room in the wedding feast. when the king came in to meet with the guests, he saw a man who does not wear dress party. he said to him: O brother, how do you get in here with not wearing a party dress? but he was not answer the king. then the king told his servants: tie the legs and hands and Throw him into darkness, that's where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
because many are called but few are chosen. "
you may believe, jesus is son of god, because for you become life by your faith in jesus.
John 20:31 , John 11:1-44
John 20:31 , John 11:1-44
Monday, 28 February 2011
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Jesus explain about the parable of the tenants vineyard
Hear this the other parable. is a landlord to open a vineyard and plant a fence around it. he multiplying the hole where he was pressing wine and set up guard towers in the garden. then he rented the vineyard to tenants and he going to another country. then picking season is come, he sent his servants to the tenants to accept the results of which became part of it. but the tenants caught his servants: they hit the servant, killed another and another hit with stones. then the landlord sent other servants, more than at the beginning, but they are treated the same as their friends. finally he sent his son to them, saying with my son they would fear. But when the tenants saw the son, they said one other tenants: he is the landlord son, let us kill him, so his vineyard is ours. they caught him and threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him. then when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do with the tenants? "they said to him:" He will destroy the bad guys and will he rented vineyard to other tenants, who will submit the results to him in time. "Jesus said to them:" Have you never read in scripture: the stone which the builders rejected has become the-builder cornerstone: that happen to the gods, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
Therefore, I say to you, that the kingdom of God will be taken from you and will be given to a nation that will produce the fruit kingdom.
and those who fall above the rock, he will be destroyed and those who seized the stone, it will crumble. "
when the chief priests and the Pharisees hear Jesus parables, they understood, jesus talk about them. and they tried to arrest him, but they feared the people that consider him a prophet.
Therefore, I say to you, that the kingdom of God will be taken from you and will be given to a nation that will produce the fruit kingdom.
and those who fall above the rock, he will be destroyed and those who seized the stone, it will crumble. "
when the chief priests and the Pharisees hear Jesus parables, they understood, jesus talk about them. and they tried to arrest him, but they feared the people that consider him a prophet.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Jesus explain about The parable of two children
parable of two children
what you think of this parable: a man have two boys. he went to the eldest child and say: my son, go and work today in the vineyard. replied the boy: ok father, but he did not go. and he went to the second child and said go and work today in the vineyard. and the child responded: I do not want to. but then he was sorry and left also. Who between the two child who do the will of his father? "they answered:" the last one. "
Jesus said to them: "I say to you, truely the tax collector and prostitute women will go before you enter into the kingdom of God. because John came to show the truth way to you, and you do not believe him. but the tax collectors and prostitute women believe him. and though you see it, but you not regret it and you do not also believe him.
what you think of this parable: a man have two boys. he went to the eldest child and say: my son, go and work today in the vineyard. replied the boy: ok father, but he did not go. and he went to the second child and said go and work today in the vineyard. and the child responded: I do not want to. but then he was sorry and left also. Who between the two child who do the will of his father? "they answered:" the last one. "
Jesus said to them: "I say to you, truely the tax collector and prostitute women will go before you enter into the kingdom of God. because John came to show the truth way to you, and you do not believe him. but the tax collectors and prostitute women believe him. and though you see it, but you not regret it and you do not also believe him.
Friday, 25 February 2011
they asked jesus, "by what authority you do these things? and who gives this authority to you ? "
questions about jesus authority
and Jesus went into the temple of God, and when he was teaching there, came the chief priests and elders of the Jewish nation and asked: "by what authority you do these things? and who gives this authority to you ? "
Jesus said to them: "I'm also going to ask one question to you and if if you give answer to me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
from Where yohanes of baptism? from heaven or from men? "they discuss between them, and said:" If when we say from heaven, he would say to us: if so, why you not believe him?
but if when we say from human beings, we fear the people, for all hold John as a prophet. "
then they answered Jesus: "We do not know." and jesus also said to them: "if so, I also do not tell you by what authority I do these things."
and Jesus went into the temple of God, and when he was teaching there, came the chief priests and elders of the Jewish nation and asked: "by what authority you do these things? and who gives this authority to you ? "
Jesus said to them: "I'm also going to ask one question to you and if if you give answer to me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
from Where yohanes of baptism? from heaven or from men? "they discuss between them, and said:" If when we say from heaven, he would say to us: if so, why you not believe him?
but if when we say from human beings, we fear the people, for all hold John as a prophet. "
then they answered Jesus: "We do not know." and jesus also said to them: "if so, I also do not tell you by what authority I do these things."
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Jesus said, whatever you ask in prayer with confidence, you will receive it.
Jesus cursed the fig tree.
on the morning when jesus way back to town, Jesus was hungry. near the road he saw a fig tree and came to it, but he is not got nothing on it except leaves. jesus said to it except leaves only, "You will not bear fruit again for ever!" dry, and instantly the fig tree. see the incident his disciples marveled and said: "How did the fig tree suddenly become dry?" Jesus answered them: "I say to you, actually, if you believe and no hesitate, you're not just going to do what I do with the fig tree, but if when you say to this mountain, move into the sea! it would happen. and whatever you ask in prayer with confidence, you will receive it. "
on the morning when jesus way back to town, Jesus was hungry. near the road he saw a fig tree and came to it, but he is not got nothing on it except leaves. jesus said to it except leaves only, "You will not bear fruit again for ever!" dry, and instantly the fig tree. see the incident his disciples marveled and said: "How did the fig tree suddenly become dry?" Jesus answered them: "I say to you, actually, if you believe and no hesitate, you're not just going to do what I do with the fig tree, but if when you say to this mountain, move into the sea! it would happen. and whatever you ask in prayer with confidence, you will receive it. "
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Jesus cleansed the temple
and Jesus went into the temple of the gods and he drove out all who sold and bought in the temple. he overthrew the tables of moneychangers and the seats sold pigeons. and said to them: "it is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer. but you make a nest bandits."
then came the blind and lame people to him in the temple of God, and jesus cured him. but when the chief priests and scribes saw the miracles which made by jesus and the children saying in the temple of God: Hosanna to the Son of David! "their hearts are very irritated, then they said to jesus, you hear what these children said? "Jesus said to them: "I heard; Have you never read: From the mouth of the babies and children who are nursing god made provided praise?"
then he left them and going out of the city of Bethany, and lodged there.
then came the blind and lame people to him in the temple of God, and jesus cured him. but when the chief priests and scribes saw the miracles which made by jesus and the children saying in the temple of God: Hosanna to the Son of David! "their hearts are very irritated, then they said to jesus, you hear what these children said? "Jesus said to them: "I heard; Have you never read: From the mouth of the babies and children who are nursing god made provided praise?"
then he left them and going out of the city of Bethany, and lodged there.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
jesus was hailed in Jerusalem
when Jesus and his disciples have been near Jerusalem and arrived at betfage located in the hills of olive, Jesus sent two of his disciples
with the message: "Go into the village in front of it, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and her son with her. deliver the donkey and bring them to me.
and if if anyone warn you, say: God needs it. he will soon return. "
it might be fulfilled which was submitted by the prophet: Say to daughter sion: see, your king comes to you, he is meek and riding a young donkey. "
disciples went and did as Jesus assigned to them.
they bring a female donkey and her son, then cover it with their clothes and jesus climbed it.
a very large crowd numbers extend his clothes on the street, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.
and the crowds that went before Jesus and who followed her from the back cried out, saying: "Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the supreme!"
and when he entered into Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this guy?" and people were saying: "this is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee."
with the message: "Go into the village in front of it, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and her son with her. deliver the donkey and bring them to me.
and if if anyone warn you, say: God needs it. he will soon return. "
it might be fulfilled which was submitted by the prophet: Say to daughter sion: see, your king comes to you, he is meek and riding a young donkey. "
disciples went and did as Jesus assigned to them.
they bring a female donkey and her son, then cover it with their clothes and jesus climbed it.
a very large crowd numbers extend his clothes on the street, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.
and the crowds that went before Jesus and who followed her from the back cried out, saying: "Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the supreme!"
and when he entered into Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this guy?" and people were saying: "this is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee."
Monday, 21 February 2011
Jesus heals two blind men
when Jesus and his disciples came out of Jericho, the crowds flocked to follow him.
There are two blind men sitting by the wayside, that Jesus passed by, then they shouted: "God Son of David, have mercy on us!"
but the crowd began to rebuke them so they keep quiet. but they shouted louder, he said: "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!"
then Jesus stopped and called them. He said: "What do you want so that I do for you?"
they answered: "Lord, make our eyes can see."
Jesus Cares
and jesus touched their eyes and immediately they can saw, and went after him.
There are two blind men sitting by the wayside, that Jesus passed by, then they shouted: "God Son of David, have mercy on us!"
but the crowd began to rebuke them so they keep quiet. but they shouted louder, he said: "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!"
then Jesus stopped and called them. He said: "What do you want so that I do for you?"
they answered: "Lord, make our eyes can see."
Jesus Cares
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Jesus said, Just as the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and gave His life for the salvation of men."
When Jesus go to Jerusalem, in the middle of the road, he called the twelve disciple. Then he said to them,
"Listen! We now go to Jerusalem. Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and teachers of religion. Then he be put to death,
Then the wife of Zebedee, came with her children to Jesus.
"what do you want?" asked Jesus. the wife of Zebedee, "I want my two children are sitting on the left and right when you became King later."
"You do not know what you're asking,"Jesus said to them. "Can you drink the cup of suffering that should I drink?" "Could," they replied.
Jesus said, "Indeed you will drink well from my cup. But as to who will sit on my left and right. Those places are for people who have been determined by my Father .
When the other ten followers heard this, they are angry at both of the brothers.
So Jesus Called Them all and said, "You know That the leaders of nations who do not know God That Their persecute people. And Their Chiefs to oppress Them.
people who want to become great among you, shall be your servant.
And people who want to be first among you, must become a servant.
Just as the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and gave His life for the salvation of men."
"Listen! We now go to Jerusalem. Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and teachers of religion. Then he be put to death,
Then the wife of Zebedee, came with her children to Jesus.
"what do you want?" asked Jesus. the wife of Zebedee, "I want my two children are sitting on the left and right when you became King later."
"You do not know what you're asking,"Jesus said to them. "Can you drink the cup of suffering that should I drink?" "Could," they replied.
Jesus said, "Indeed you will drink well from my cup. But as to who will sit on my left and right. Those places are for people who have been determined by my Father .
When the other ten followers heard this, they are angry at both of the brothers.
So Jesus Called Them all and said, "You know That the leaders of nations who do not know God That Their persecute people. And Their Chiefs to oppress Them.
people who want to become great among you, shall be your servant.
And people who want to be first among you, must become a servant.
Just as the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and gave His life for the salvation of men."
Thursday, 17 February 2011
"When God rules, the situation is like this parable: A vineyard owner came out in the morning looking for people to work in his vineyard.
"When God rules, the situation is like this parable: A vineyard owner came out in the morning looking for people to work in his vineyard.
After he agreed to pay them one silver on a day, he ordered them to work in his vineyard.
At nine o'clock in the morning, the owner went again, and saw some people were jobless in the market.
Then he said to them, 'Go you to work in my vineyard. I will pay you a decent wage. "
And about five o'clock, he came out again and see there are still those who jobless. Then he asked them, 'Why do you stand here all day by not doing anything? "
The people replied, 'No one who hired us. "'Then,' said the owner of the garden, 'you go to work in my vineyard. "
at Evening, the owner of the vineyard 'Call the workers and pay their own wages, ranging from people who entered last until the first coming. "
Then came the workers who started working from five in the evening. They each received one silver.
Then came all workers hired since the morning. They thought they would receive more. but they only received one silver money as well.
When receiving the money, they grumbled against the landowner:
Workers who came last ask why you pay us same with them! "
The owner of the vineyard said to them, 'Friend, I am not guilty of you. cause you agree to accept the wage a silver for a day job?
Well, take your reward, and go. I really want to give to the person who last entered the same wages that I give to you.
Then Jesus said again, "So did the people who last will be first, and the people who first will be last."
After he agreed to pay them one silver on a day, he ordered them to work in his vineyard.
At nine o'clock in the morning, the owner went again, and saw some people were jobless in the market.
Then he said to them, 'Go you to work in my vineyard. I will pay you a decent wage. "
And about five o'clock, he came out again and see there are still those who jobless. Then he asked them, 'Why do you stand here all day by not doing anything? "
The people replied, 'No one who hired us. "'Then,' said the owner of the garden, 'you go to work in my vineyard. "
at Evening, the owner of the vineyard 'Call the workers and pay their own wages, ranging from people who entered last until the first coming. "
Then came the workers who started working from five in the evening. They each received one silver.
Then came all workers hired since the morning. They thought they would receive more. but they only received one silver money as well.
When receiving the money, they grumbled against the landowner:
Workers who came last ask why you pay us same with them! "
The owner of the vineyard said to them, 'Friend, I am not guilty of you. cause you agree to accept the wage a silver for a day job?
Well, take your reward, and go. I really want to give to the person who last entered the same wages that I give to you.
Then Jesus said again, "So did the people who last will be first, and the people who first will be last."
Friday, 11 February 2011
Jesus said to His followers, "I tell you, is very difficult for rich people become members of God's people.
Then Jesus said to His followers, "I tell you, is very difficult for rich people become members of God's people.
and more easily a camel get into the needle hole, rather than a rich man enter the New World of God. "
When His disciples heard Jesus' words, "Then," they said, "who can be saved?"
He looked at them and said, "For humans, is impossible! But for God, all possible."
Then Peter said, "Look, we've left everything to follow you. And what will we have?"
Jesus said to them, "Believe me: In the New World, the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne. At that time you are my disciples will sit on twelve thrones and judging the twelve tribes of Israel!
And everyone who has left houses from his brothers or sister, father or mother, or children, or fields because of me, that person will receive a hundred fold. And he will receive eternal life.
But many people are now the first will be last and the last will be first. "
and more easily a camel get into the needle hole, rather than a rich man enter the New World of God. "
When His disciples heard Jesus' words, "Then," they said, "who can be saved?"
He looked at them and said, "For humans, is impossible! But for God, all possible."
Then Peter said, "Look, we've left everything to follow you. And what will we have?"
Jesus said to them, "Believe me: In the New World, the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne. At that time you are my disciples will sit on twelve thrones and judging the twelve tribes of Israel!
And everyone who has left houses from his brothers or sister, father or mother, or children, or fields because of me, that person will receive a hundred fold. And he will receive eternal life.
But many people are now the first will be last and the last will be first. "
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Jesus said, If you want to live, you must obey God commands.
One day a man came to Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "what good actions must I do in order to receive eternal life?"
Jesus replied, "Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only One is good. If you want to live, you must obey God commands."
the man asked, what commands. Jesus replied, "Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie,
Honor your father and mother, and love human as you love yourself. "
"All the order was already i do," replied the young man. "What else is necessary?"
Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go sell all your property. Give the money to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven. After that, come follow me!"
Hearing these words, the young man left with sadly, because he was very rich.
Jesus replied, "Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only One is good. If you want to live, you must obey God commands."
the man asked, what commands. Jesus replied, "Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie,
Honor your father and mother, and love human as you love yourself. "
"All the order was already i do," replied the young man. "What else is necessary?"
Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go sell all your property. Give the money to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven. After that, come follow me!"
Hearing these words, the young man left with sadly, because he was very rich.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Jesus said, children is member of kingdom of God.
There are people bring children to Jesus so that He laid his hands on their heads and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those people.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "Let the children come to me! Do not forbid them, because children is member of kingdom of God."
Then Jesus laid his hands upon the head of the children and bless them. Then he departed from there.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "Let the children come to me! Do not forbid them, because children is member of kingdom of God."
Then Jesus laid his hands upon the head of the children and bless them. Then he departed from there.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Pharisees asked jesus, "Then why did Moses commanded people to give certificate of divorce to his divorced wife?"
When Jesus had finished teaching, He left Galilee and went to the area of Judea across the Jordan River.
Many people followed Him, and He healed them there.
Then the Pharisees came to trap him. They asked, "According to our religious law, it is allowed a man to divorce his wife for any reason?"
Jesus replied, "Did you not read in the Bible that god made human, in the beginning made them male and female?
And after that He said, 'That's why the man leave his father and mother and cherishes his wife, the two become one. "
So they are no longer two but one. That is why what has been united by God should not be divorced by humans. "
Then the Pharisees asked him, "Then why did Moses commanded people to give certificate of divorce to his divorced wife?"
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wife because you are too hard to teach. But it is not the originally rule.
So, hear this: A man who divorces his wife - though she did not affair - and then married again with another woman, that person commits adultery. "
So the disciples said to him, "If it's husband and wife relationship is like that, better not to marry."
Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept these words, only the people who have been determined by God.
Because there is people who can not marry, because they are born that way. There is also are unable to marry because he made so by others. And some are choosing not to marry their own, in order to serve God. People who can accept this teaching, let him receive it. "
Many people followed Him, and He healed them there.
Then the Pharisees came to trap him. They asked, "According to our religious law, it is allowed a man to divorce his wife for any reason?"
Jesus replied, "Did you not read in the Bible that god made human, in the beginning made them male and female?
And after that He said, 'That's why the man leave his father and mother and cherishes his wife, the two become one. "
So they are no longer two but one. That is why what has been united by God should not be divorced by humans. "
Then the Pharisees asked him, "Then why did Moses commanded people to give certificate of divorce to his divorced wife?"
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wife because you are too hard to teach. But it is not the originally rule.
So, hear this: A man who divorces his wife - though she did not affair - and then married again with another woman, that person commits adultery. "
So the disciples said to him, "If it's husband and wife relationship is like that, better not to marry."
Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept these words, only the people who have been determined by God.
Because there is people who can not marry, because they are born that way. There is also are unable to marry because he made so by others. And some are choosing not to marry their own, in order to serve God. People who can accept this teaching, let him receive it. "
Monday, 7 February 2011
Jesus said, you must forgive your brother
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, if my brother make mistake to me, how many times should I forgive him? Up to seven times?"
Jesus replied, "No, not seven times, but seventy times seven times!
For when God rules, the situation is like in this parable: A king collect the debts from his servants.
then he confronted with a servant who debt him millions,
and can not pay it off. So, the king ordered the servant sold together with his wife and children, and all his property to pay debts.
Servant begged to the king, 'Sir, be patient to me I will pay off all debt. "
King was compassion to him, so he eliminate all debts.
When the servant went out, he met with his friend, a servant too, who debt him several thousand. He caught his friend, and said, 'Pay all your debts! "
Then his friend begged to him , 'Be patient friend, everything will be paid! "
But he refused. and he put him in jail until he pays his debt.
When the other servants saw what had happened, they were upset and reported it to the king.
So the king calling the servant and told him, All I forgave your debt is only because you begged me.
Should you also have to put mercy on your friend as I have put a mercy to you? "
The king was very angry. then he sent the servant into prison until he pay off all his debts. "
Jesus ended his story with these words, "So also my heavenly Father will treat each of you, if you do not forgive your brother.
standing on jesus
Jesus replied, "No, not seven times, but seventy times seven times!
For when God rules, the situation is like in this parable: A king collect the debts from his servants.
then he confronted with a servant who debt him millions,
and can not pay it off. So, the king ordered the servant sold together with his wife and children, and all his property to pay debts.
Servant begged to the king, 'Sir, be patient to me I will pay off all debt. "
King was compassion to him, so he eliminate all debts.
When the servant went out, he met with his friend, a servant too, who debt him several thousand. He caught his friend, and said, 'Pay all your debts! "
Then his friend begged to him , 'Be patient friend, everything will be paid! "
But he refused. and he put him in jail until he pays his debt.
When the other servants saw what had happened, they were upset and reported it to the king.
So the king calling the servant and told him, All I forgave your debt is only because you begged me.
Should you also have to put mercy on your friend as I have put a mercy to you? "
The king was very angry. then he sent the servant into prison until he pay off all his debts. "
Jesus ended his story with these words, "So also my heavenly Father will treat each of you, if you do not forgive your brother.
standing on jesus
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Jesus said, For where two or three gather together because of me, I was in the midst of them.
"If your brother make a mistake, go and show his mistake. Do it in secret Between you two alone. If he were accept by your words, then you succes get your brother back.
But if not succes, take one or two more. As written in Scripture, 'At least two or three witnesses is required to declare a defendant guilty. "
If he did not accept the advice these people, tell that to the church. And finally, if he did not want to accept the advice of the church, treat him as a tax collector and one who does not know God. "
"Be aware: What do you forbid in the world, is also prohibited in heaven. And what are you justified in the world, is also justified in heaven.
And If two of people agree on anything and pray, that prayer will be granted by my Father in heaven.
For where two or three gather together because of me, I was in the midst of them.Praise Worship All Hail King Jesus
But if not succes, take one or two more. As written in Scripture, 'At least two or three witnesses is required to declare a defendant guilty. "
If he did not accept the advice these people, tell that to the church. And finally, if he did not want to accept the advice of the church, treat him as a tax collector and one who does not know God. "
"Be aware: What do you forbid in the world, is also prohibited in heaven. And what are you justified in the world, is also justified in heaven.
And If two of people agree on anything and pray, that prayer will be granted by my Father in heaven.
For where two or three gather together because of me, I was in the midst of them.Praise Worship All Hail King Jesus
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Jesus said, the Son of Man come to save those who lost
"Beware! Do not insult any of this small people. Because remember, the angels they are always there at my Father in heaven.
(because the Son of Man come to save those who lost!)
What do you think? If there is someone who has a hundred sheep, and one of the sheep is lost, what that will be made by that person? Surely he would leave the ninety-nine sheep was on the hill and go find that missing.
And if he finds the sheep back - trust me - it would be more excited about the one sheep he found, than over ninety-nine others that are not lost.
So your Father in heaven does not want one of people that just believe in Me is go lost. "
(because the Son of Man come to save those who lost!)
What do you think? If there is someone who has a hundred sheep, and one of the sheep is lost, what that will be made by that person? Surely he would leave the ninety-nine sheep was on the hill and go find that missing.
And if he finds the sheep back - trust me - it would be more excited about the one sheep he found, than over ninety-nine others that are not lost.
So your Father in heaven does not want one of people that just believe in Me is go lost. "
Friday, 4 February 2011
Jesus said, If your hand or your foot makes you sin, cut and throw away. Better you live with God without a hand or foot
It would be disastrous to the world because the things make people to sin. the things like that will always exist, but woe to who caused it!
If your hand or your foot makes you sin, cut and throw away. Better you live with God without a hand or foot, than you thrown into the fire of hell with both hands and feet.
And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck and throw away. Better you live with God without one eye rather than thrown into the fire of hell with both eyes. "
If your hand or your foot makes you sin, cut and throw away. Better you live with God without a hand or foot, than you thrown into the fire of hell with both hands and feet.
And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck and throw away. Better you live with God without one eye rather than thrown into the fire of hell with both eyes. "
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Jesus said, Whoever causes one of the people who do not believe longer to me, it's better if the stone tied around the neck and he jump in the sea.
At that time the disciples came to jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest among the people of God?"
Jesus called a little child, and making him stand in front of them.
Then Jesus said, "Believe! Only if you change and become like children, you will become a member of God's people.
The person who humbles himself and becomes like this child, he was the greatest of God's people.
And people who receive child like this because of me, means accepting me. "
"Whoever causes one of the people who do not believe longer to me, it's better if the stone tied around the neck and he jump in the sea.
Jesus called a little child, and making him stand in front of them.
Then Jesus said, "Believe! Only if you change and become like children, you will become a member of God's people.
The person who humbles himself and becomes like this child, he was the greatest of God's people.
And people who receive child like this because of me, means accepting me. "
"Whoever causes one of the people who do not believe longer to me, it's better if the stone tied around the neck and he jump in the sea.
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Jesus said to the disciples, He will be killed, but on the third day be raised.
When the disciples gathered in Galilee, Jesus said to them, "Soon, the Son of Man will be handed over to the power of human beings.
He will be killed, but on the third day be raised. "And his followers become sad.
When Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the temple tax collectors came to Peter and asked, "your Teacher pay taxes House of God or not?"
Peter replied, "Pay!" When Peter came home, jesus greeting him first, "Simon, what do you think? Who has to pay taxes to the kings of this world? people or strangers?"
"The stranger," replied Peter. "Then," Jesus said, "people do not have to pay.
But let us not offend those people. So go to the lake for fishing. Take the first fish. At its mouth you will find enough currency to pay tax. Take the money and pay them our taxes to the House of God. "
He will be killed, but on the third day be raised. "And his followers become sad.
When Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the temple tax collectors came to Peter and asked, "your Teacher pay taxes House of God or not?"
Peter replied, "Pay!" When Peter came home, jesus greeting him first, "Simon, what do you think? Who has to pay taxes to the kings of this world? people or strangers?"
"The stranger," replied Peter. "Then," Jesus said, "people do not have to pay.
But let us not offend those people. So go to the lake for fishing. Take the first fish. At its mouth you will find enough currency to pay tax. Take the money and pay them our taxes to the House of God. "
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Jesus said, Remember! If you have great faith, everything you can make!
When Jesus and His followers back to the crowd, a man came, fell down in front of Jesus,
and said, "Father, have mercy on my son. He was sick epilepsy and attack so powerful that he often falls into the fire and often into the water.
I've brought him to the your followers, but they can not cure him. "
Jesus replied, You're really the people who do not believe. Until when I have to stay with you and be patient with you? Bring the boy here!"
Then Jesus commanded the evil spirit in the boy out. And the evil spirit out, then the child was healed at that moment.
Then the disciples came to him in isolation and asked him, "Sir, why we can not drive out the evil spirit?"
Jesus answered, "Because you less believe. Remember! If you have great faith a size mustard seed you can say to this mountain, 'Move on there!" surely this hill will move. everything you can make!
(But this kind of evil spirit, can only be driven out by prayer and fasting only.) "
and said, "Father, have mercy on my son. He was sick epilepsy and attack so powerful that he often falls into the fire and often into the water.
I've brought him to the your followers, but they can not cure him. "
Jesus replied, You're really the people who do not believe. Until when I have to stay with you and be patient with you? Bring the boy here!"
Then Jesus commanded the evil spirit in the boy out. And the evil spirit out, then the child was healed at that moment.
Then the disciples came to him in isolation and asked him, "Sir, why we can not drive out the evil spirit?"
Jesus answered, "Because you less believe. Remember! If you have great faith a size mustard seed you can say to this mountain, 'Move on there!" surely this hill will move. everything you can make!
(But this kind of evil spirit, can only be driven out by prayer and fasting only.) "
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