When Jesus go to Jerusalem, in the middle of the road, he called the twelve disciple. Then he said to them,
"Listen! We now go to Jerusalem. Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and teachers of religion. Then he be put to death,
Then the wife of Zebedee, came with her children to Jesus.
"what do you want?" asked Jesus. the wife of Zebedee, "I want my two children are sitting on the left and right when you became King later."
"You do not know what you're asking,"Jesus said to them. "Can you drink the cup of suffering that should I drink?" "Could," they replied.
Jesus said, "Indeed you will drink well from my cup. But as to who will sit on my left and right. Those places are for people who have been determined by my Father .
When the other ten followers heard this, they are angry at both of the brothers.
So Jesus Called Them all and said, "You know That the leaders of nations who do not know God That Their persecute people. And Their Chiefs to oppress Them.
people who want to become great among you, shall be your servant.
And people who want to be first among you, must become a servant.
Just as the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and gave His life for the salvation of men."