you may believe, jesus is son of god, because for you become life by your faith in jesus.
John 20:31 , John 11:1-44

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Jesus risen from the dead so that all people could be forgiven of their sins.

Bible Study

The Easter Story
Luke 24:36-48
Jesus is Alive

Jesus' friends and followers were sharing stories about what they had seen and heard. After Jesus died on the cross, they watched the guards bury Him.

But many of Jesus' friends had heard and seen that His body was not in the place He had been buried. They were talking about this when Jesus Himself came and stood with them.

His friends were afraid and surprised! They thought He might have been a ghost. But Jesus said to them, "Why are you frightened? Why do you doubt that it is really I? Look at My hands! Look at My feet! You can see that it is I, Myself! Touch Me and make sure that I am not a ghost! For ghosts don't have bodies, as you see that I do!"

Jesus showed His friends the wounds, or sores, on His hands and feet as He spoke. His friends were still wondering if it was Jesus, but they were happy to think it might be. Then, Jesus' friends gave Him some food, and Jesus ate.

Many days later, Jesus joined His friends again. He reminded them what He had told them before He died–that everything written in the Bible would come true. He helped them understand the Bible. That is how they could know for sure that He was alive!

He had risen from the dead so that all people could be forgiven of their sins. Hallelujah! Be happy! This is the story of Easter.

Memory Verse: "This message of salvation should be taken from Jerusalem to all the nations: There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to Me" (Luke 24:47).

Remember Rhyme

Jesus had many friends

Who were talking one day

Jesus had not been found

In the place where He once lay.

They watched Him die

And saw Him buried, too–

But if Jesus was alive,

No one really knew.

Then Jesus came to them

And said, "Do not be afraid."

He showed them the wounds

That in His hands were made.

Later His friends believed

That He rose from the dead;

Jesus came back to life

To prove what the Bible said.