you may believe, jesus is son of god, because for you become life by your faith in jesus.
John 20:31 , John 11:1-44

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

jesus told us to always pray.

jesus spoke a parable to them for confirm they should always pray and not lose heart. jesus said: "in a city there is a judge who no fear God and did not respect anyone. and in the city there is a widow who always came to the judge and said: Defend my rights against my enemies. then the judge refused. then he said in his heart even though I do not fear God and do not respect anyone, but because the widow is give trouble to me, Let me justify her, Lest her just kept coming and finally attacked me. "God said: "keep in mind what the unrighteous judge says! because god will justify for the people who pray to him day and night? and whether there he was stalling time before helping them? I say unto you, he will soon justify them, but, if the son of man came, did he found faith on earth?"