you may believe, jesus is son of god, because for you become life by your faith in jesus.
John 20:31 , John 11:1-44

Monday, 30 April 2012

jesus said, always praying and you will not fall in to temptation.

then jesus go out of town as usual he go to the hills of olive. his disciples also follow him. after arriving at the place jesus say to them: "always Praying and you not fall into temptation. "then jesus take distanced himself from them about 5 meters, and then he knelt down and prayed, saying: "O my father, if you want, take this cup from me: but do not for i wanted but for you wanted." then an angel from heaven appeared to jesus for give him strength. he was very frightened and prayed more serious. sweat became like blood and dripped to the ground. then jesus rose from prayer and returned to his disciples, and he found them sleeping because of grief. Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray, that you may not fall into temptation."

Sunday, 29 April 2012

jesus already pray for us, for our faith not fall.

then disciples ask to Jesus, about who is considered the greatest among them. jesus said to them: "the kings of the nations they rule their people by the servant who run the power over them, or so-called protectors. but you is not like that, because let the greatest among you become as the youngest or the leader as servant. because who is more greater: a sit-down to eat, or a serving? not he who sit to eat is more greater? and I was in the midst of you as a servant. you who stayed with me in all the trials that I experienced. and I determine the rights of the kingdom for you, just like my father determined it to me, that you may eat and drink at my table with me in my kingdom, and you will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

simon, simon, see, Satan has demanded to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you, so that your faith not fall. and when you already have repentance, give strength to your brothers. "Peter said," god, I'm willing to go to jail and die with you! "but jesus said:" I say to you, petrus, this day you would deny me three times before cock crowing."

then jesus said to them: "when I sent you without purse, lunch and shoes, is there anything you suffer in lack? they answered," We never suffer in lacked in following you. "jesus told them:" But now, anyone who have a purse, let him carry it, as well have stock, and anyone who not have it let him sell his cloak and buy a sword. for I say unto you, that the passage of this scripture must be fulfilled in me: he was numbered with the rebels.

because what is written about me is being fulfilled. "they say: 'God, here are two swords." he replied: "that is can."

Friday, 27 April 2012

we must celebrate passover day for remember sacrifice of jesus.

at that Passover day, jesus sit-down eat with his apostles. jesus told them: "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover day with you before I suffer. and I say to you: I will not eat it again until hath its fulfillment in the kingdom of god." then jesus took a cup, gave thanks to god, and said: "Take this and share it among you. for I say to you from now I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God come." then jesus took bread, gave thanks to god, then he broke it and share to them, jesus said: "This is my body given for you: do this for remember me." after eat jesus took the cup and say "This cup is the new covenant from my blood, which is poured out for you."

but, look the hand of him who betray me is with me at this table. indeed son of man must go, as it has been determined, but, woe to that man who betray me! "and then they began to question who is become betrayal among them will.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

jesus give order to peter and yohanes to preparation the Passover meal.

then came the day of feast unleavened bread, and people must slaughter the Passover lamb on that day. then jesus give order to Peter and John, jesus said: "Go and prepare the Passover meal for us." they said to jesus: "where do you want us to prepare it?" jesus replied: "When you get into town, you will meet a man who brought a pitcher of water. follow him until him enters into house, and say to the host: my teacher ask you: where the room for me and with my students for eat the Passover? then the host will show you a large upper room, that's the place you have to prepare Passover meal."then they went and found all as jesus said to them. then they prepared the Passover.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Judas betray jesus.

then devil entered into Judas body, judas or called Iscariot, is one of the twelve jesus disciples. then judas went to the chief priests and the heads of the temple of God for negotiate with them, for how he can deliver jesus to them. then they were very excited and want to give some money to judas. then judas agreed, and began from that time judas sought opportunity to deliver jesus to them without telling other disciples.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

the chief priests and scribes want to kill jesus.

the Passover day or called feast of unleavened bread, was near. the chief priests and scribes find a way, to kill Jesus, but they fear to people.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

jesus told us to always be careful and always praying.

"take care yourself, for your heart do not be ridden by carousing and drunkenness and worldly interests, for that day god do not suddenly fall upon you like a noose. for he will come upon all the population on this earth. always keep watch and praying , for you got the strength for escape from all that would happen, and for you can always stand in front of the Son of Man. "

at noon jesus teaching in the temple of god, and at night he went out and spent night at hill called Mount Olive. and early in the morning all people came to jesus in the temple of god to listen jsus.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

jesus said, sky and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

and there will be a signs from sun and moon and stars, and at earth the nations will fear and confusion because of the roar and the waves of the sea. people will die because fear for those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of sky shall be shaken. at that time people will see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory. when these things begin happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your saviour is near. "

then jesus spoke this parable to them: "Consider the fig tree or trees. when you see those trees have sprouted, you know your own selves that summer is near. as well, if you see these things happening, know, that the kingdom of god is near. I tell you truly this generation will not pass, till all be fulfilled. sky and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."

Sunday, 15 April 2012

jesus said, Jerusalem will be trampled by people who do not know god.

"When you see Jerusalem were surrounded by soldiers, that is desolation is near for jerusalem. at that time people who are in Judea must flee to the mountains and the people who in town they need to evacuate, and those who in the countryside do not go back into the city, because that is the retaliation time to fulfill all of that written. woe to mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding a baby at that time! because it would come terrible distress at that country and because will come a great distress to the whole country, and wrath upon this nation, and they will die by the sword and taken as prisoners to all nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled by people who do not know god.

Friday, 13 April 2012

disciples asked to jesus what sign if the time is near.

and the disciples asked Jesus, saying, "teacher, when it will happen? and whether the sign when it will happen? jesus replied:" Beware, lest you should not be misled. because many people will come in my name and said: I am he, and the time is near. Do not follow them. and when you hear of wars and rebellions, do not be surprised. because all these things must happen first, but it's not shall mean the end will come soon. "he said to them:" nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be earthquakes in various places and there will be pestilence and famine, and there is a great signs from sky. But before all that you will be arrested and persecuted; you will be handed over to synagogue and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors because of my name. that is become your opportunity for you to testify. therefore ordain in your heart that you may not think defense first. because I myself will give you the word of wisdom, so that you can not be challenged or denied by your opponents, and you will be betrayed even by your parents, your brothers or your kindred and your friends and some of you will be killed and you shall be hated of all men for my name. but no a singgle of your hair will be lost, if you persist, you will gain life."

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

jesus said, the temple will be destroyed.

when some people talk about the temple and admire the building is decorated with beautiful stones and with various offerings items, jesus said: "what you see there, the day will come where no one stone will be left on another stone; everything will be destroyed."

Sunday, 8 April 2012

jesus told you to give offering to the church.

then jesus looked around, he saw the rich people enter their offerings into the offering box. and he saw a poor widow give two coin money into the offering box. and jesus said: "I say to you, this poor widow is giving more than all rich people. because they all give gifts from their abundance, but this widow gives his important money, her even gave all what her got."

Friday, 6 April 2012

jesus said becareful to the scribes teaching.

when many people listened, jesus said to his disciples: beware to the scribes who like to walk around wearing long robes and like to be honored in the market, which likes to sit at forefront place in the synagogue and like sit in the place of honor in the banquet, that swallowed widows houses and they deceive the eyes of people with long prayer and surely they will receive more severe penalties."

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

between jesus and David.

then jesus said to them: "how can people say, Messiah is the son of David? because David himself say in the bible of psalms:" God said: "Sit at my right side, until I make your enemies surrender at your feet.

David called him lord, how could Messiah his son?"

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

jesus explain about the resurrection

some saduki people who not admit resurrection, come to jesus. and they ask to jesus. "teacher, Moses wrote unto us: if person, who have his brother dead, and his wife is still alive, but he left no children, then his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother. and there is seven brothers. who first married a woman and died without leaving children. then his wife was married by the second brother. and also by the third and the woman married by seven brothers, they all died without leaving children, the woman finally was dead. how now with the woman, who was among those brothers who became her husband on the day of resurrection? because the seventh brother married with that woman. "jesus said to them: "the people of this age marry and are given in marriage, but for they accepted by that another world and in resurrection of the dead, neither marry and not are given in marriage. because they can not die again; they are like angels and they are children of god, because them has been raised. about the rise of the dead, Moses already explain in the passage about the bush, where god called the god of Abraham, Isaac and the god of Jacob. he was not a god from the dead but a god from living people, because in front of him all is living. "heard that some of the scribes said: "teacher, Your answer is very right." because they no longer dared to ask anything to jesus.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

jesus said, give to Caesar what you shall give to Caesar and give to God what you shall give to god!

experts in law and the chief priests observe jesus. and they send spy as an honest man, because they want trap jesus with a question and then submit jesus to the governor. the spy asked this question to jesus: "teacher, we know that all the words and your teaching is true and you are a good man, and truly teach the way of Allah. are you allowed us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" but jesus knew they are cunning/bad people, then jesus said to them. show me a dinar; who is on the image and superscription? "they replied:"image and superscription of the caesar. "and jesus said to them," then give to Caesar what you shall give to Caesar and give to God what you shall give to god! "and they can not trap him in his words in front of crowds. they amazed hear answer from jesus.