you may believe, jesus is son of god, because for you become life by your faith in jesus.
John 20:31 , John 11:1-44

Sunday, 1 April 2012

jesus said, give to Caesar what you shall give to Caesar and give to God what you shall give to god!

experts in law and the chief priests observe jesus. and they send spy as an honest man, because they want trap jesus with a question and then submit jesus to the governor. the spy asked this question to jesus: "teacher, we know that all the words and your teaching is true and you are a good man, and truly teach the way of Allah. are you allowed us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" but jesus knew they are cunning/bad people, then jesus said to them. show me a dinar; who is on the image and superscription? "they replied:"image and superscription of the caesar. "and jesus said to them," then give to Caesar what you shall give to Caesar and give to God what you shall give to god! "and they can not trap him in his words in front of crowds. they amazed hear answer from jesus.