you may believe, jesus is son of god, because for you become life by your faith in jesus.
John 20:31 , John 11:1-44

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Jesus Praying – Where did He pray?

One of the most mysterious and intriguing aspects of Jesus is the way He prayed. We only have snippets of His prayers written in the gospels.

It’s noted that He sometimes prayed all night long. In the garden of Gethsemane, the Bible states that He sweated blood, so great was His conversation with His Father.

His last authored prayer is the infamous ‘Not my will, but Yours’ be done.” These words of total submission to what abuse lay ahead are in sharp contrast to our human tendencies to avoid confrontation and death.

It’s not recorded that Jesus ever prayed in public. He taught His followers not to use their spirituality to call attention to themselves as the priests of that time were known to do.

He prayed in private. He specifically withdrew to a solitary place to avoid being distracted by others. We can follow His example by designating a quiet space for ourselves and schedule it at a time that we are less apt to be bothered by family, friends, and other distractions. Maintaining a focus on God is the main idea, so that we can hear Him speak to us in return.

The Bible teaches us that we should be in an ‘attitude’ of prayer at all times. One of the coolest things about prayer is that we can pray while we are at work, in the home, or at our jobs. We can even pray while we are driving down the road. An attitude of prayer means that we are very much aware of the presence of God and that He is always listening.

“A fervent effective prayer avails much” (James 5:16) means that the most urgent smallest sentences are received with the same power as a prayer that is lengthy. “I believe” has the power to change your life.