When Jesus came down from boat and saw the crowds, Then He healed the sick people among them.
In the evening, the disciples came and said to him, "It was late afternoon and the place is isolated. It's better you tell these people go, so can buy food in the villages."
"No need to dismiss them," Jesus said, "You give them something to eat."
"We only had five breads and two fishes!" replied followers of Jesus.
"Bring it here," said Jesus.
Then He commanded the multitude to sit on the grass. Then He took the five loaves and two fish, then looked up at the sky and give thanks to God. Then he cut the bread apart with his hands and gave to His followers to be distributed to the crowd.
They all eat and were satisfied. After that the disciples gather excess food; there were twelve baskets full.
Who ate at that time there were about five thousand people, not counting women and children.
after that, Jesus told His followers go to boat to cross the lake, while he commanded people multitudes go home.