The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, and people found it, then he put in again. Therefore his joy and sold all he had and bought that field.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a trader seeking beautiful pearls.
Having found one pearl of great price, he sold all his property and bought it. "
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like fishermen net the fish into the sea, and got various kinds of fish.
Once net full, and even then fishermen brought the fish to the beach, then they sat down and collected the good fish into the fish bowl, then that is not good they throw away.
So also at the end of time: The angels will come to separate bad people from the righteous,
then throw bad people into the kitchen fire, that's where there will be very suffering.
do you understand these things? "They replied:" Yes, we understand. "
Then said Jesus to them: "every scribe who received lessons from the kingdom of heaven is like got new treasure. "
After Jesus had finished these parables, he departed from there.