After the crowd left, he went up hill alone to pray. It was already night, he was still in the hill alone.
While the boat carrying Jesus' followers, already far in the middle of the lake. The boat was hit by the waves crashing and the boat in danger, because the wind against in direction to the boat.
Between three o'clock and six o'clock in the morning, Jesus came to them walking on water.
When the disciples saw jesus walking on water, they were surprised and saying. "Ghost!" they screamed in fear.
But Jesus immediately replied, "Calm down! I'm Jesus. Do not be afraid!"
Then Peter said, "If You are Jesus, let me come to walk on water."
"Come," replied Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat, walked on water and come to Jesus.
But when Peter saw how big wind on the lake, he was afraid and began to sinking. "God, please!" he shouted.
Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught him, and said, "Peter, Peter, you are lack of trust. Why do you hesitate to Me?"
Then they both got into the boat, and the wind calm down.
Then the disciples worshiped Him. They said, "Truly the Lord is the Son of God!"
When they reached the other side of the lake, they landed in Gennesaret.
And when the people there saw that jesus coming, they broadcast the news to all the area around the city. Then all the sick people brought to Jesus.
And they touching jesus garment, Then all who touched it were cured.